The location of the International Roundup (IRU) rotates between the states of the Great American West each year. After a successful 2022 edition in Fargo, North Dakota, this year it was Boise, Idaho’s turn. Marjolein, Vivien and Arjan from Target Travel Marketing were present, including tour operators from the Benelux.

The number of applications for the fair showed that the Great American West region remains popular among Benelux travelers. Within a couple of days eight tour operators had registered, five Dutch and three Belgian. The group traveled to the west at various times, to explore the region independently prior to the fair or during the organized pre-fam.

On Sunday, April 23, everyone came together for the welcome drink and the next day everyone could explore lively Boise. The Capitol, the Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial and the World Center for Birds of Prey, among others, were visited. More than 40 international buyers with a focus on the US were present, so there was plenty of time to network in an informal way.

On April 25 and 26, participants spoke to 60 different suppliers from the Great American West, during pre-scheduled appointments. Here the international buyers could learn about (new) regional products, so that they can add them to their offer. According to the tour operators, the USA traveler is looking for unique accommodations and activities, but also the highlights, such as the national parks, should not be missed.

International Rep of the Year

This year at IRU, Target Travel Marketing received the International Rep of the Year Award. Since 2001, Target Travel Marketing has been delighted to represent the Great American West and is honored to receive this award alongside all the other great colleagues from Germany, France, Italy, the Nordics, the United Kingdom and Australia. The organized Sales Mission in Amsterdam and rising (social) media statistics were mentioned as motivation, among other things.

The exclusive Buckle Club Party took place at the end of the second IRU day. Here the new tour operators present received their official cowboy name and buckle. The next day the group got up early to participate in one of three organized post-fams through Idaho, Montana and/or Wyoming. Because one thing is certain: you offer the best recommendations and products to your customer when you have experienced the destination yourself.

Announcement location

The next International Roundup will take place in April 2024 in Casper, Wyoming. Interested in participating? Send an email to [email protected].