From March 22 to 24, the representatives of the states of Montana, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming were in the Netherlands for a Sales Mission. Target Travel Marketing (TTM) ensured a full agenda resulting in positive reactions from both the states and the guests.

On March 22, the states explored Amsterdam via a canal tour, followed by a dinner with the US Consul General and her husband. The Consul General gave an update on her activities in the Netherlands and ideas for collaborations were exchanged.

The following day, the states met 22 different Belgian and Dutch tour operators and media at the Jakarta Hotel during 15-minute speed dating sessions. Existing networks were maintained, and new ones created. “It was nice to have met the states, great location and efficient concept” – Gino Nauwelaers (

March 24 was all about independent travel agents. About 25 agents were welcomed in the business center at TTM in Maarssen. A workshop was given per state, followed by a lunch and prize giveaway. “Great workshops with lots of new information, nice atmosphere and a delicious lunch! I feel like getting on the plane right away.” – Markus Koolwaay (Travel Counselors)

The Sales Mission ended with a visit to the Keukenhof.

Are you interested in a sales mission organized by TTM in the Benelux? Please send an email to [email protected]