From April 8 to 11 the yearly Travel South USA Global Week took place, this year in the beautiful Charleston, South Carolina. Rianne was present from Target Travel Markeing, including four Dutch journalists.

Harald Kolkman – Meridian Travel
Michelle de Vos – Amerika Only
Vincent Weggemans – Ron Reizen
Harmke Kraak – freelancer.

Get to know the South

Before the Media Marktplaats, all four journalists went on a 5-day FAM trip through a Travel South state of their choice. Harmke went to Missouri – The Mother of All Road Trips, Vincent travelled around North Carolina, Michelle was in Louisiana and Harald went on an adventure in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia.

On Monday, April 8th all journalists arrived in Charleston where the Media Marketplace would take place later that week. All journalists and representatives from the region stayed in the beautiful Mills House Hotel. Centrally located in the French Quarter, making it easy for everyone to explore the city on foot and experience the charm of the South. The city tours introduced everyone to the culture and history of Charleston, including a visit to the impressive International African American Museum – where the stories of the past are told.

Photo impression

Global Week 2025

Next year the Travel South USA Global Week will take place again, but the location is still a surprise. Are you interested in joining? Send an email to [email protected]