Throughout 2019 – 2021 you received various corona updates from us, as we wanted to keep you informed about the current COVID-19 measures in the Benelux market. Even though COVID-19 is still a part of our lives, we are positively looking forward to the new year of 2022. Therefore, we wish to put a broader focus on what is currently happening within the tourism industry and what activities are being organized by Visit USA. Hence why the corona updates are now referred to as Partner Updates.
Reopening of the U.S. borders
On November 10, 2022, the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence in Amsterdam was the site chosen to mark the reopening of travel to the United States for vaccinated Dutch travelers. The event was perfectly positioned just two days after the U.S. border reopened. Visit USA, together with sponsors American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines organized an event for trade partners and members to reconnect in an informal atmosphere. We very much appreciated the participation of Mrs. Marja Verloop, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. for the United States of America (pictured below, first row right off center). This landmark event was filled with positive energy, idea exchanges and overall optimism for the future of our travel economy.
Photo: Celebrating the reopening of the borders at the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence, (c) Arjan Leenhouts
The return of a booming travel industry
Since the date of the event in early November we have all been riding out the next wave of COVID-19 as the Omicron variant swept the country and the world. Figures are now steadily declining and has led to less restrictions for Dutch citizens, and along with that a building appetite for travel and travel planning. Member tour operators are now reporting increasing business activity and also confirm that their clients are very anxious to travel again.
We remain hopeful that the new year of 2022 can be that point in time we have all been longing for — the return of a booming travel industry!
Stay safe, stay healthy.